King's Throne Guide - Heroes List

Summary of All Heroes in King's Throne

Heroes in King's Throne are the most important asset for your kingdom. They affect how much gold, grain or soldiers you levy, how well you do in tournaments, and influence many event outcomes as well.

Out of the total King's Throne currently has 158 heroes, and it would be nearly impossible and extremely expensive to maximize all of them. Spending scrolls and resources on the best and right heroes is the first step to building your kingdom in King's Throne.

Currently there are 74 military heroes, 42 provisions heroes, 39 inspiration heroes, 36 fortune heroes, and 10 all around heroes.

In terms of breakdown by number of stars, there are 95 6-star heroes, 26 5-star heroes, 16 2-star heroes, 12 1-star heroes, and 5 4-star heroes and 4 3-star heroes in King's Throne.

You can acquire heroes through various events, campaign progression, increasing kingdom level, leveling up VIP level, purchasing packages, and login rewards.

List of All Heroes in King's Throne

There are currently 158 heroes in King's Throne, and they are all listed alphabetically by name, type and star below.

Rankings for individual types of heroes are available at the best military heroes, best fortune heroes, best provisions heroes and best inspiration heroes rated by quality, skills and paragons.

  1. Abraham - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  2. Achilles - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  3. Adira - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  4. Ahriman - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  5. Alain le Roux - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  6. Alyosha Popovich - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  7. Arthur - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  8. Asenath - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  9. Athena - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  10. Atlas - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  11. Aurelia - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  12. Baeldaeg - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  13. Beowulf - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  14. Blake Bohm - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  15. Brunhilde - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  16. Cao Cao - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  17. Charlemagne - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  18. Chunhyang - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  19. Circe - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  20. Claude - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  21. Constable Bertrand - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  22. Cortes - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  23. Cosimo de Medici - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  24. Cu Chulainn - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  25. Cyrano - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  26. Da Gama - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  27. Dante - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  28. Demir - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  29. Diana - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  30. Diaochan - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  31. Dil Na'od - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  32. Dobrynya - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  33. Don Juan - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  34. Don Quijote - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  35. Dullahan - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  36. Duncan - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  37. Earl FitzAlan - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  38. Earl Marshall - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  39. Ebenezer - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  40. Edward - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  41. El Cid - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  42. Elise - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  43. Elizabeth - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  44. Enrico Dandolo - Fortune and Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  45. Erik the Red - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  46. Erikson - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  47. Everard - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  48. Farleigh - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  49. Fawkes - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  50. Fenrir - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  51. Finnian - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  52. Frederick Barbarossa - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  53. Galahad - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  54. Gampo - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  55. Gareth - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  56. Gawain - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  57. Gerard - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  58. Giacomo Cassanova - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  59. Gilgamesh - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  60. Ginchiyo - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  61. Good Sir James - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  62. Gordafarid - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  63. Gorgo - Provisions and Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  64. Gotz von Berlichingen - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  65. Grace - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  66. Guillaume d'Orange - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  67. Hades - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  68. Hamlet - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  69. Hans - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  70. High Prince Nevsky - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  71. Ilya - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  72. Itzal - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  73. Ivanhoe - Fortune and Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  74. Jean the Chronicler - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  75. Jeanne - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  76. John Hawkwood - Provisions and Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  77. John Little - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  78. Kaihime - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  79. Kara - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  80. Kelton - Fortune and Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  81. Khawalah - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  82. Kris - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  83. Lamorak - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  84. Lancelot - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  85. Leodante - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  86. Leonardo - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  87. Leonidas - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  88. Lord Balec - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  89. Louise - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  90. Magnus - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  91. Marcello - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  92. Marco - Fortune and Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  93. Mary - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  94. Matilda - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  95. Mattheus - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  96. Maximus - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  97. Merlin - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  98. Michelangelo - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  99. Midas - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  100. Mordred - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  101. Mulan - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  102. Nastasya - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  103. Nicolas - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  104. Nohime - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  105. Oba Ewuare - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  106. Oberon - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  107. Osiris - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  108. Patrick - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  109. Pelles - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  110. Percival - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  111. Pernell - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  112. Ponce de Leon - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  113. Prince Adam - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  114. Proctor - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  115. Ragnar Lothbrok - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  116. Richard the Lionheart - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  117. Robert the Bruce - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  118. Robin - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  119. Roland - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  120. Rollo - Fortune and Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  121. Romeo - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  122. Sari - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  123. Scarlett - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  124. Scheherazade - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  125. Seondeok - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  126. Siegfried - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  127. Sir Balin - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  128. Sir Bedivere - Provisions and Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  129. Sir Bevois - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  130. Sir Bors the Younger - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  131. Sir Geoffroi - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  132. Sir Henry Hotspur - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  133. Sir Kay - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  134. Sir Morien - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  135. Sir Oliver - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  136. Sir William - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  137. Skanderbeg - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  138. Subutai - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  139. Sun Shangxiang - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  140. Tezcatlipoca - Inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  141. Thaddeus - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  142. The Green Knight - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  143. The Solitary Walker - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  144. Thomas - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  145. Thoth - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  146. Tlaloc - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  147. Tristan - Military Image of military Icon in King's Throne
  148. Tuck - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  149. Uller - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  150. Ulrich - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  151. Unniyarcha - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  152. Valentin - Military and Fortune Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  153. Vasilisa - Military and Inspiration Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne
  154. Vlad - Fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  155. Wenceslas - Fortune and Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne
  156. William the Conqueror - All Around Image of all around Icon in King's Throne
  157. Yi Mongryong - Military and Provisions Image of military Icon in King's Throne Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne
  158. Yi Sun Sin - Provisions Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne